I apologize for the lack of posts this week, I’ve been quite pre-occupied and a quirk in the twipFromSvn.py script prevented the generation of this post’s contents earlier; thanks to rpetti it works again!

This week was an interesting week in plugin development, a slight regression in the release of Jabber notifier plugin 1.7 resulted in the rapid release of a 1.8 release by kutzi. The Fitnesse plugin saw multiple releases again this week, along with the Libvirt Slaves plugin which has seen an amazing number of releases since it burst onto the plugin scene two weeks ago.

There were a few new and notable plugins released this week such as the iPhoneView plugin which adds a fancy view to make checking Hudson all that prettier on an iPhone or iPod Touch, the cross-platform shell plugin was released, aiming to solve the problem of running a job on both Windows and Unix agents. My favorite new plugin release this week has to be the Gerrit plugin which made its debut and shows a lot of potential to enable the "pre-tested commit" workflow with Git and Gerrit

About the Author
R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy has been part of the Jenkins project for the past seven years. While avoiding contributing any Java code, Tyler is involved in many of the other aspects of the project which keep it running, such as this website, infrastructure, governance, etc.