
Thanks to the kindness of[BigPoint GmbH] and Kutzi, we had the first Jenkins Hackathon in Europe, in a very large and airly conference room in their Hamburg campus, on a nice sunny Sunday of May 1st. About 10 people came, including the[static code analysis plugin] fame Ullrich Hafner,[Androd emulator plugin] fame[Christopher Orr], the[instant messenger plugin] (and others) fame!/kutzi[Christoph Kutzinski]. Some of us came from pretty far away places like Munich, Bonn, and Netherland. There was a good mix of existing developers and new developers, too. +
During the hackathon, new folks developed whopping three plugins — a security realm that connects to[Kerberos (password entering kind, not SSO)],[a plugin that adds a list view column to show where the last build was done], and[another plugin that attempts to collect small list view column implmentations]. German translations were improved, automated installation of Android SDKs are discussed and its implementation strategies explained. I've done my share of contribution by working on[XStream support for JRuby], which is one of the ground work necessary for JRuby-based Jenkins plugin development, and I also showed the prototype Groovy-based templating that can potentially supercede Jelly. There were additional exchange of tips and tricks, how you do this and that. +
Strong coffee and engaged conversations kept me awake all day, although German keyboard layout (on top of usual IDE difference + Mac/PC difference) made it hard to code on other people's computers, but all in all it was a very productive hackathon. In fact, the best ever. We wrapped up around 7pm and headed to a seafood restaurant near Elbe river, stayed there until 11pm-ish. +
The next hackathon is planned in Paris toward the end of the month. I'm looking forward to another productive Hackathon, so if you are nearby, please[RSVP and join us]. +
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.