image:https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Paid-surveys.jpg[image,width=200] +
Just like https://blog.cloudbees.com/2011/12/jenkins-community-survey-results-82.html[the last year], link:/survey[we are running a survey this year], to get some objective insights into what our users would like to see in the project. Obviously, the developers in the project deal with https://issues.jenkins.io[individual bug reports and feature requests] all the time, but sometimes those day-to-day issues distract you from a bigger picture. +
This year, we kept some of the questions the same, so that we can see the trend. But we also http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2012/jenkins.2012-09-19-18.00.log.html#l-142[discussed what we wanted to ask] among ourselves and revised some more. +
The tricky thing about being an open-source project is that it's not like some of us can actually decide what we'll be working on — in the end it's up to individual contributors to decide what they want to work on. So I can't make promises, but in a way, that's precisely why we'd like to get these objective, measurable, quantitative feedbacks. It lets us discuss how to solve the problem, instead of spending time discussing what the problem is. +
Last year, we've heard loud and clear that people wanted to see some UI improvements. So a bunch of us sit down at link:/blog/2012/02/21/fosdem-2012-recap/[FOSDEM], picked up several key UI improvements, and https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/UI+Enhancements[we've actually delivered on those]. This year I hope to do the same. +
The survey will close at the end of October, and if you participate, you'll get to see the results first. As an added incentive, CloudBees had pitched in a $100 Amazon gift card. So https://jenkins-ci.org/survey[please let your voice be heard].
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.