As per http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2012/jenkins.2012-11-14-19.01.log.html#l-68[the discussion in the project meeting today], we created http://lists.jenkins-ci.org/mailman/listinfo/jenkins-events[a new mailing list `+events@lists.jenkins-ci.org+`] for: +
  • discussing and coordinating Jenkins related events

  • share knowledge between different local communities

  • helping new organizers by having existing community people offering advices

  • improving visibility and transparency of event organization work

    If you are interested in facilitating local communities (being from Japan, I know for a fact that a local community that speaks the native language makes a big difference in many parts of the world!) +
    The list is http://lists.jenkins-ci.org/mailman/listinfo/jenkins-events[open for anyone to join] and the archive is public. Looking forward to seeing you in the list.
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.