https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc2013/juc2013-israel.cb[Jenkins User Conference in Israel] was held this year on a different venue than the last year, because we have grown! I believe Shlomi Ben-Haim of JFrog said in his opening speech that the attendance has grown more than 50%, despite the ticket price increase. +
This year, the event was held at a former Kibbutz turned into an event facility. This was rather fit for Jenkins for both emphasizes the community. The auditorium was big, the sky was bright & clear, and it was a wonderful day. JFrog folks even made a few Jenkins drapes (that I eventually brought back with me, so expect to see them) +


For me, talks like one from Haggai are more interesting, as it shows me how Jenkins works in a domain that I’m not familiar with (in this case, .NET). And if you are Jenkins users, there are all sorts of talks, ranging from talks on CLI/XML interface of Jenkins (stuff for those who are writing tools and scripts that interface with Jenkins) to how someone managed user interface automation testing with Jenkins. Another talk that I got hooked was a talk from https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc2013/juc2013-israel-abstracts.cb#YardenaMeymann[Yardena Meymann] about the review board Jenkins plugin that she wrote that lets you test out code change under the review, much the same way https://buildhive.cloudbees.com/[BuildHive] or https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Github+pull+request+builder+plugin[GitHub pull request builder plugin] does it for GitHub pull requests, but for Subversion. I also liked the 45 minutes format better, which helps cut the fat and take people straight to the point. +
Outside talks, Israeli people kept me busy! They cornered me on multiple occasions and we had a lot of interesting conversations, so much so that I missed about half the talks! I just wish we had coordinated this upfront so that I could have visited them while I was there. This also made me wonder what if we designate one corner of the site and did a series of birds-of-feather around specific topics. This led me to try https://www.meetup.com/jenkinsmeetup/events/126595572/[Jenkins Scalability Summit] in the upcoming JUC Palo Alto. +
https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc2013/juc2013-israel.cb[All the slides and videos are available], if you want to take a look --- be forewarned that some of them are in Hebrew. +
If you aren’t in Israel but like the concept of JUC, looking forward to seeing you in the upcoming https://www.eventbrite.com/event/6367028955[Jenkins User Conference in Palo Alto] this October.
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.