
The latest edition of Continuous Information is out for your reading pleasure. +
Highlights: +
  • Health Check-up for Jenkins: Kohsuke’s Tips on Keeping Jenkins Happy

  • Jenkins continues to take over the world, with more than 65,000 active installations and more than 800 plugins

  • Events: Jenkins User Conference – 10/23 in Palo Alto, CA (use discount code BEE-JUC); Jenkins Scalability Summit 10/24; and more

  • Jenkins made the SD Times 2013 Top 100!

  • What’s new in Jenkins? The hottest new Jenkins improvements…

  • How to build your own Jenkins Traffic Light

     +[Read the whole newsletter], and then[sign up to receive it directly when it comes out]. +
    PS - We love contributions to Continuous Information, so if you have a Jenkins tip, trick, or plugin you’d like to feature, please[email us].
About the Author
Lisa Wells

This author has no biography defined. See social media links referenced below.