The final LTS release of the 1.532.x line is out today. You can download it from http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/[the usual location]. Changelog is https://jenkins-ci.org/changelog-stable[here]. +
Starting with the next 1.554.x LTS, the release model will https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/LTS+Release+Line[switch to the train model], where we commit to dates and get whatever we can ship by that date. +
You can see https://jenkins-ci.org/content/event-calendar[the scheduled dates in our event calendar]. Backporting window for 1.554.1 is almost closing, so if you want to have your favorite issues nominated for it, please see https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/LTS+Release+Line[the process] in the Wiki and hurry!
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.