We are looking for volunteers to join the small infra team here at the Jenkins project. We are the butlers of the butler that get Mr.Jenkins going. +
We've been https://github.com/jenkins-infra/jenkins-infra[managing our servers through puppet], and have been slowly folding pieces one at a time to puppet, but there's still a lot of snowflake services that need proper operationalization. +
So to fix them up, https://puppetlabs.com/[PuppetLabs] folks generously agreed to help us get going with a deployment of Puppet Enterprise. Tyler has managed to arrange a "rapid deployment" engagement. To kick start the effort, an instructor would come for one week (April 28th-May 2nd) to bring us up to speed on modern Puppet. we'll then spend some time on our own to puppt-ize more, and deploy Puppet Enterprise. +
The end goal is to ensure sustainability of our infrastructure, in case of unexpected server loss. +
As we are about to get this effort going, we think this is a good time to solicit a few more volunteers. We are looking for someone who could join this two week engagement in San Francisco, and keep their involvement beyond that. This is a part time volunteer work, and you'd get some visibility and exposure to the inner guts of open-source projects, not to mention the satisfaction of getting thanked for your work. +
If you are interested, please https://jenkins-ci.org/content/mailing-lists[drop us a note at the infra list]. +
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.