image:https://jenkins-ci.org/sites/default/files/images/christou.jpg[image] +
Let me start by introducing myself, my name is Steven Christou. Many of you might know me on IRC as schristou, my github id as https://github.com/christ66[christ66], or my twitter handle https://twitter.com/schristou88[@schristou88]. In Jenkins, I am currently working on some significant improvements to the subversion-plugin, along with various random bug fixes. I am also the current maintainer of https://cobertura.github.io/cobertura[Cobertura], an open source code coverage tool for java. Prior to working on Jenkins, I was working on Hudson at the Eclipse Foundation. +
While working on Jenkins, I usually get requests (usually in IRC) about where to start when writing a plugin. Some examples are "Where do I start?" or "Do you have any examples?". Well at https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc-2014/boston[JUC Boston], I will be hosting a small lecture called Get Drunk on the Code! I will be giving the lecture in the rooms "Back Bay" (1 & 2) where people will be able to sit down, drink a beer, and learn how to write a Jenkins plugin! I will be teaching people everything from how to get started, to some advanced techniques like writing a new https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+CLI[CLI Command], and writing your own builder. I forgot to mention that I will be handing out beer while this is happening! +
This session will be happening after the exhibit break from 3:30pm to 6:00pm. It will be two hours where I will be walking around, and helping users if they encounter any issues while the session is happening. So grab your laptop, a beer and get drunk on the code! Don't get too drunk, but if you do at least you can improve the https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Beer+Plugin[beer plugin]!"
About the Author
Steven Christou

This author has no biography defined. See social media links referenced below.