https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc-2014/boston/speakers#ForestHandford[ +
image:https://jenkins-ci.org/sites/default/files/images/Forest_Handford_0.preview.jpg[image,width=240,height=320] +
] +
_We're getting excited about the Boston and Berlin JUC's in the next two weeks! Here's a preview of Forest Handford's upcoming JUC-US East Lightning Talk on June 18..._ +
When https://home.meditech.com/en/d/home/[MEDITECH] migrated to Subversion from a home-grown first generation version control system we needed a way to get the code compiled and sent to the running server. We selected Jenkins as our build server, with the hope of eventually using it for CI. +
A MEDITECH application consists of hundreds of source files. Each source file translates to an object code file that the interpreter executes. This is one of the last major projects I worked on prior to leaving MEDITECH to work at Carbonite. In my Lightning Talk, "A Build Eco-System for Loosely Compiled Code," I'll discuss the toughest challenges my team had in getting Jenkins to work as our build server and how we eventually overcame them. +
Staff from both https://www.carbonite.com[Carbonite] and MEDITECH will be in attendance. Both companies are hiring! +
_You'll find more great talks in the full https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc-2014/boston[JUC-US East] agenda and the https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc-2014/berlin[JUC-Europe] agenda._
About the Author
Lisa Wells

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