https://twitter.com/BostonVC/status/479338642331426816[ +
image:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bqbz9JQIIAA9gKG.jpg[image,width=300,height=225] +
] +
We kicked off this year's Jenkins User Conference world tour in Boston this Wednesday. The event was well-attended with more than 450 people registered and 400+ people showed up. So big thank you for everyone who came! +
https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-plugin[Workflow plugin] that Jesse presented was a big hit and https://twitter.com/search?q=%23jenkinsconf&src=typd[lit up twittersphere], and while I was only able to listen to parts of sessions as people had questions and comments for me, ones that I've seen were great. https://jenkins-ci.org/content/jenkins-user-conference-completely-full[Alyssa] told me that the sponsors were happy too, which is also important to keep events like this going. +
Perhaps the biggest hit of all was https://jenkins-ci.org/content/get-drunk-code-juc-boston[the "get drunk on the code show] by Steven Christou. When I got in, he packed 30 or so people in the room learning how to write a simple Jenkins plugin, and all the beer bottles were long gone! +
One of the "fun" activities we did during the event was a trivia quiz. I'm happy to announce the winners here — Tamara from IBM and Prabhu from Staples. Congrats for your Amazon gift cards! +
During the show, I've heard from several people that they'd love to see more regular local meet-ups. https://twitter.com/duncanmak[Duncan] had shown interest in organizing, and https://twitter.com/tyvole[Jesse] is a Bostonian, so please encourage them to get one going +
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.