
My apologies for the last minute announcement, but there will be a https://www.meetup.com/jenkinsmeetup/events/203261692/[Jenkins user meet-up in Paris on Sep 10th 7:00pm], which is just next week. The event is hosted by Zenika. You'll hear from https://twitter.com/gboissinot[Gregory Boissinot] and https://twitter.com/alecharp[Adrien Lecharpentier] about plugin development, and I'll be talking about workflow. +
It's been a while we do a meet-up in Paris. Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible. The event is free, but https://www.meetup.com/jenkinsmeetup/events/203261692/[please RSVP] so that we know what to expect.
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.