
The usual suspects, such as CloudBees, XebiaLabs, SOASTA, PuppetLabs, et al are https://www.cloudbees.com/cdsummit/[doing a Jenkins-themed continuous delivery event series] called "cdSummit." The event is free, has a nice mix of user/vendor talks, and has an appeal to managers and team leads who are working on and struggling with continuous delivery and automation. +
I've spoken in the past events, and I enjoyed the high-level pitches from various speakers. +
The last two events at Paris and London filled up completely, so I suspect others have liked them, too. +
If you live near Chicago, Washington DC, or San Francisco, check out the date and see if you can make it. https://www.cloudbees.com/cdsummit/[RSVP is from here]. If you do, be sure to pick up Jenkins stickers and pin badges!
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.