Although December is a short month due to the holidays, there has been a good amount of local Jenkins activities that took place regardless of holiday obligations. Today and tomorrow I will be doing a series of posts to summarize December JAM World Tour. Special thanks to the JAM organizers and co-organizers who made it all happen in these cities:
Lima, Peru
St.Petersburg, Russia
Toulouse, France
Bay Area, CA
On December 9 Lima JAM hosted their first Jenkins meetup in Lima, Peru. There were attendance from various roles of DevOps: Dev, QA, and Ops. There was also a good mixture of different levels of Jenkins users, some were new and just starting to use Jenkins while others had extensive Jenkins experience.
The group has been invited by Docker and Ansible meetup organizers for a joint event in January to showcase technologies from Jenkins, Docker, and Ansible. Congrats to Lima JAM group.
Slides from the meetup can be found here. Additional shared resources used in the Lima JAM can be found here.
Check out where Jenkins Area Meetups (JAMs) are located in the world. Don’t see a JAM in your area? why not start your own, here’s how.