On December 15, the Toulouse JAM was co-hosted with the Toulouse JUG and Toulouse DevOps. Indeed it made sense since Jenkins is written in Java, makes use of Groovy code in many places (system groovy script, job dsl, workflow…), and it also made sense to co-organize with the local DevOps community since Jenkins is also a great tool to enable Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and automation in general. There were 103 RSVPs, with 80 to 90 people in attendance.
There were 3 talks planned for the evening:
Job DSL Intro [fr], by Ghislain Mahieux
Workflow plugin [fr], by Michaël Pailloncy (co-maintainer of the Build Trigger Badge plugin)
Feedback on almost 10 years of CI and what’s upcoming [fr], demo with Jenkins build scaling with Docker Swarm, by Baptiste Mathus