The beta release of Jenkins 2.0 is rapidly approaching! The development team is working hard to find and squash as many bugs as possible, but do you know what would make that effort even more successful? You! A big part of Jenkins’s power lies in its extensive flexibility, but that flexibility poses challenges to testing. In short, it’s difficult for the core team to test in all the myriad environments and with all the different workflows that Jenkins users have. To give just one example, users of Jenkins on Windows often uncover Windows-specific issues that are missed during development.

That’s where you come in! The Jenkins team has organized a Test Fest to take place all day on Monday, March 21st, wherever you are. We encourage you to download the lastest alpha release of Jenkins 2.0, start it up, and configure it in the way you would your production Jenkins installation. Try out your usual workflows, install those plugins you just can’t live without, and let us know about any issues you encounter. You can file them in the Jenkins JIRA, with the label '2.0,' or you can discuss them with us in the #jenkins-testfest IRC channel on the Freenode IRC network (connect to We encourage you to hang out with us on IRC regardless; it’ll be an all-day party!

You can also find the list of the discovered Jenkins 2.0 issues using this link.

Thanks in advance for joining us, and for supporting Jenkins!

About the Author
Owen Mehegan

Owen has been using and administering Jenkins for software companies since 2009 (when it was known as Hudson). He can play the guitar, he knows Morse code, and he has sometimes been known to rebuild two-stroke engines successfully on the first try.