The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Table of Contents

Artifactory Plugin

ArtifactoryGradleBuild: run Artifactory gradle

  • gradleBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.GradleBuild
  • rootDir
    • Type: String
  • buildFile
    • Type: String
  • tasks
    • Type: String
  • switches
    • Type: String
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo

MavenDescriptorStep: Get Artifactory Maven descriptor

  • pomFile
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • versionPerModule
    • Type: java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
  • failOnSnapshot
    • Type: boolean
  • dryRun
    • Type: boolean

addInteractivePromotion: Add interactive promotion

  • promotionConfig
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.PromotionConfig
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
  • displayName
    • Type: String

artifactoryBuildTrigger: Trigger Artifactory build

  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
  • paths
    • Type: String
  • spec
    • Type: String

artifactoryDistributeBuild: Distribute build

  • distributionConfig
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.DistributionConfig
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

artifactoryDownload: Download artifacts

  • spec
    • Type: String
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • failNoOp
    • Type: boolean
  • module
    • Type: String
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

artifactoryEditProps: Edit properties

  • spec
    • Type: String
  • props
    • Type: String
  • failNoOp
    • Type: boolean
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
  • editType
    • Values: SET, DELETE

artifactoryGoPublish: Run Artifactory Go Publish command

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • goBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.GoBuild
  • path
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • args
    • Type: String
  • module
    • Type: String
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String

artifactoryGoRun: Run Artifactory Go command

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • goBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.GoBuild
  • path
    • Type: String
  • goCmdArgs
    • Type: String
  • args
    • Type: String
  • module
    • Type: String
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String

artifactoryMavenBuild: run Artifactory maven

  • mavenBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.MavenBuild
  • pom
    • Type: String
  • goals
    • Type: String
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo

artifactoryNpmCi: Run Artifactory npm ci

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • npmBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.NpmBuild
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String
  • path
    • Type: String
  • args
    • Type: String
  • module
    • Type: String

artifactoryNpmInstall: Run Artifactory npm install

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • npmBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.NpmBuild
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String
  • path
    • Type: String
  • args
    • Type: String
  • module
    • Type: String

artifactoryNpmPublish: Run Artifactory npm publish

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • npmBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.NpmBuild
  • path
    • Type: String
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String
  • args
    • Type: String
  • module
    • Type: String

artifactoryNugetRun: Run Artifactory NuGet

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • nugetBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.NugetBuild
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String
  • args
    • Type: String
  • module
    • Type: String

artifactoryPipRun: Run Artifactory pip install

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • pipBuild
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.builds.PipBuild
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String
  • args
    • Type: String
  • envActivation
    • Type: String
  • module
    • Type: String

artifactoryPromoteBuild: Promote build

  • promotionConfig
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.PromotionConfig
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

artifactoryUpload: Upload artifacts

  • spec
    • Type: String
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • failNoOp
    • Type: boolean
  • module
    • Type: String
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

buildAppend: Build append

  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • buildName
    • Type: String
  • buildNumber
    • Type: String
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

collectEnv: Collect environment variables and system properties

  • env
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.Env

collectIssues: Collect issues from git and add them to a build

  • issues
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.Issues
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
  • config
    • Type: String

conanAddRemote: Add new repo to Conan config

  • serverUrl
    • Type: String
  • serverName
    • Type: String
  • conanHome
    • Type: String
  • force
    • Type: boolean
  • verifySSL
    • Type: boolean

conanAddUser: Add new user to Conan config

  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
  • serverName
    • Type: String
  • conanHome
    • Type: String

createDockerBuildStep: Artifactory create Docker build

  • kanikoImageFile
    • Type: String
  • jibImageFiles
    • Type: String
  • sourceRepo
    • Type: String
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String

createReleaseBundle: Create a release bundle

  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.DistributionServer
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • spec
    • Type: String
  • storingRepo
    • Type: String
  • signImmediately
    • Type: boolean
  • dryRun
    • Type: boolean
  • gpgPassphrase
    • Type: String
  • releaseNotesPath
    • Type: String
  • releaseNotesSyntax
    • Type: String
  • description
    • Type: String

deleteReleaseBundle: Delete a release bundle

  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.DistributionServer
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • dryRun
    • Type: boolean
  • sync
    • Type: boolean
  • deleteFromDist
    • Type: boolean
  • distRules
    • Type: String
  • countryCodes
    • Type: Array / List of String
  • siteName
    • Type: String
  • cityName
    • Type: String

deployArtifacts: Deploy artifacts

  • deployer
      Nested Choice of Objects
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo

distributeReleaseBundle: Distribute a release bundle

  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.DistributionServer
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • dryRun
    • Type: boolean
  • sync
    • Type: boolean
  • distRules
    • Type: String
  • countryCodes
    • Type: Array / List of String
  • siteName
    • Type: String
  • cityName
    • Type: String

dockerPullStep: Artifactory docker pull

  • image
    • Type: String
  • host
    • Type: String
  • sourceRepo
    • Type: String
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

dockerPushStep: Artifactory docker push

  • image
    • Type: String
  • host
    • Type: String
  • targetRepo
    • Type: String
  • buildInfo
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
  • properties
    • Type:<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
  • server
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
  • javaArgs
    • Type: String

dsCreateReleaseBundle: Create release bundle

  • serverId
    • Type: String
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • spec
    • Type: String
  • description (optional)
    • Type: String
  • dryRun (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • gpgPassphrase (optional)
    • Type: String
  • releaseNotesPath (optional)
    • Type: String
  • releaseNotesSyntax (optional)
    • Type: String
  • signImmediately (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • specPath (optional)
    • Type: String
  • storingRepo (optional)
    • Type: String

dsDeleteReleaseBundle: Delete a release bundle

  • serverId
    • Type: String
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • cityName (optional)
    • Type: String
  • countryCodes (optional)
    • Type: Array / List of String
  • deleteFromDist (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • distRules (optional)
    • Type: String
  • dryRun (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • siteName (optional)
    • Type: String
  • sync (optional)
    • Type: boolean

dsDistributeReleaseBundle: Distribute a release bundle

  • serverId
    • Type: String
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • cityName (optional)
    • Type: String
  • countryCodes (optional)
    • Type: Array / List of String
  • distRules (optional)
    • Type: String
  • dryRun (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • siteName (optional)
    • Type: String
  • sync (optional)
    • Type: boolean

dsSignReleaseBundle: Sign a release bundle

  • serverId
    • Type: String
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • gpgPassphrase (optional)
    • Type: String
  • storingRepo (optional)
    • Type: String

dsUpdateReleaseBundle: Update a release bundle

  • serverId
    • Type: String
  • name
    • Type: String
  • version
    • Type: String
  • spec
    • Type: String
  • description (optional)
    • Type: String
  • dryRun (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • gpgPassphrase (optional)
    • Type: String
  • releaseNotesPath (optional)
    • Type: String
  • releaseNotesSyntax (optional)
    • Type: String
  • signImmediately (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • specPath (optional)
    • Type: String
  • storingRepo (optional)
    • Type: String

getArtifactoryServer: Get Artifactory server from Jenkins config

  • artifactoryServerID
    • Type: String

getJFrogPlatformInstance: Get JFrog Platform instance from Jenkins config

  • instanceId
    • Type: String

initConanClient: Create Conan Client

  • client
    • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ConanClient

jfPipelines: Set output resources and report results for JFrog Pipelines

  • outputResources (optional)
    • Type: String
  • reportStatus (optional)
    • Type: String

jfrogInstance: Creates new JFrog instance

  • id
    • Type: String
  • artifactoryUrl (optional)
    • Type: String
  • bypassProxy (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • credentialsId (optional)
    • Type: String
  • deploymentThreads (optional)
    • Type: int
  • distributionUrl (optional)
    • Type: String
  • password (optional)
    • Type: String
  • retry (optional)
    • Type: int
  • timeout (optional)
    • Type: int
  • url (optional)
    • Type: String
  • username (optional)
    • Type: String

newArtifactoryServer: Returns new Artifactory server

  • url
    • Type: String
  • username
    • Type: String
  • password
    • Type: String
  • credentialsId
    • Type: String

newBuildInfo: New buildInfo

    newGoBuild: New Artifactory Go

      newGradleBuild: New Artifactory gradle executor

        newJFrogPlatformInstance: Returns new JFrog platform instance

        • url
          • Type: String
        • artifactoryUrl
          • Type: String
        • distributionUrl
          • Type: String
        • username
          • Type: String
        • password
          • Type: String
        • credentialsId
          • Type: String

        newMavenBuild: New Artifactory maven

          newNpmBuild: New Artifactory npm executor

            newNugetBuild: New Artifactory NuGet executor

              newPipBuild: New Artifactory pip executor

                publishBuildInfo: Publish build Info to Artifactory

                • buildInfo
                  • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
                • server
                  • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

                rtAddInteractivePromotion: Add interactive promotion

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • comment (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • copy (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • displayName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • failFast (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • includeDependencies (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • sourceRepo (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • status (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • targetRepo (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtBuildAppend: Build append

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • appendBuildName
                  • Type: String
                • appendBuildNumber
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtBuildInfo: Create build info

                • asyncBuildRetention (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • captureEnv (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • deleteBuildArtifacts (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • doNotDiscardBuilds (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • excludeEnvPatterns (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • includeEnvPatterns (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • maxBuilds (optional)
                  • Type: int
                • maxDays (optional)
                  • Type: int
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • startDate (optional)
                  • Type: class java.util.Date

                rtBuildTrigger: Trigger Artifactory build

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • paths
                  • Type: String
                • spec
                  • Type: String

                rtCollectIssues: Collect issues

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • config (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • configPath (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtConanClient: Creates new Conan client

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • userHome (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtConanRemote: Add new repo to Conan config

                • clientId
                  • Type: String
                • name
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo
                  • Type: String
                • force (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • verifySSL (optional)
                  • Type: boolean

                rtConanRun: Run a Conan command

                • clientId
                  • Type: String
                • command
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtCreateDockerBuild: run Artifactory create Docker build

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • sourceRepo
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • jibImageFiles (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • kanikoImageFile (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtDeleteProps: Delete properties

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • failNoOp (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • props (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • spec (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • specPath (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtDockerPull: run Artifactory docker pull

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • image
                  • Type: String
                • sourceRepo
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • host (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtDockerPush: run Artifactory docker push

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • image
                  • Type: String
                • targetRepo
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • host (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • properties (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtDotnetResolver: set .NET resolver

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtDotnetRun: run Artifactory .NET

                • apiProtocol (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • args (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtDownload: Download artifacts

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • failNoOp (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • spec (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • specPath (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtGoDeployer: set go deployer

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • customBuildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • properties (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String

                rtGoPublish: run Artifactory Go publish

                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • deployerId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • path (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • version (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtGoResolver: set Go resolver

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtGoRun: run Artifactory Go publish

                • args (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • path (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtGradleDeployer: set gradle deployer

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • artifactPattern (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • customBuildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • deployIvyDescriptors (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • deployMavenDescriptors (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • excludePatterns (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • includeEnvVars (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • includePatterns (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • ivyPattern (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • mavenCompatible (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • properties (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • publications (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • releaseRepo (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • snapshotRepo (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • threads (optional)
                  • Type: int

                rtGradleResolver: set gradle resolver

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtGradleRun: run Artifactory gradle

                • buildFile (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • deployerId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • rootDir (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • switches (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • tasks (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • tool (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • useWrapper (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • usesPlugin (optional)
                  • Type: boolean

                rtMavenDeployer: set maven deployer

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • releaseRepo
                  • Type: String
                • snapshotRepo
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • customBuildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • deployArtifacts (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • deployEvenIfUnstable (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • excludePatterns (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • includeEnvVars (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • includePatterns (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • properties (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String
                • threads (optional)
                  • Type: int

                rtMavenResolver: set maven resolver

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • releaseRepo
                  • Type: String
                • snapshotRepo
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String

                rtMavenRun: run Artifactory maven

                • pom
                  • Type: String
                • goals
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • deployerId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • opts (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • tool (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • useWrapper (optional)
                  • Type: boolean

                rtNpmCi: run Artifactory npm ci

                • args (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • path (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • tool (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtNpmDeployer: set npm deployer

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • customBuildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • properties (optional)
                  • Type: Array / List of String

                rtNpmInstall: run Artifactory npm install

                • args (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • path (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • tool (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtNpmPublish: run Artifactory npm publish

                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • deployerId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • path (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • tool (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtNpmResolver: set npm resolver

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtNugetResolver: set NuGet resolver

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtNugetRun: run Artifactory NuGet

                • apiProtocol (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • args (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtPipInstall: run Artifactory pip install

                • args (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • envActivation (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • javaArgs (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • resolverId (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtPipResolver: set pip resolver

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • repo (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtPromote: Promote build

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • targetRepo
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • comment (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • copy (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • failFast (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • includeDependencies (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • sourceRepo (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • status (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtPublishBuildInfo: Publish build info

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtServer: Creates new Artifactory server

                • id
                  • Type: String
                • bypassProxy (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • credentialsId (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • deploymentThreads (optional)
                  • Type: int
                • password (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • retry (optional)
                  • Type: int
                • timeout (optional)
                  • Type: int
                • url (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • username (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtSetProps: Set properties

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • failNoOp (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • props (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • spec (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • specPath (optional)
                  • Type: String

                rtUpload: Upload artifacts

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • failNoOp (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • module (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • spec (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • specPath (optional)
                  • Type: String

                runConanCommand: Run a Conan command

                • command
                  • Type: String
                • conanHome
                  • Type: String
                • buildInfo
                  • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo

                signReleaseBundle: Sign a release bundle

                • server
                  • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.DistributionServer
                • name
                  • Type: String
                • version
                  • Type: String
                • spec
                  • Type: String
                • gpgPassphrase
                  • Type: String
                • storingRepo
                  • Type: String

                updateReleaseBundle: Update a release bundle

                • server
                  • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.DistributionServer
                • name
                  • Type: String
                • version
                  • Type: String
                • spec
                  • Type: String
                • storingRepo
                  • Type: String
                • signImmediately
                  • Type: boolean
                • dryRun
                  • Type: boolean
                • gpgPassphrase
                  • Type: String
                • releaseNotesPath
                  • Type: String
                • releaseNotesSyntax
                  • Type: String
                • description
                  • Type: String

                xrayScan: run Xray scan

                • serverId
                  • Type: String
                • buildName (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • buildNumber (optional)
                  • Type: String
                • failBuild (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • printTable (optional)
                  • Type: boolean
                • project (optional)
                  • Type: String

                xrayScanBuild: Xray build scanning

                • xrayScanConfig
                  • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.XrayScanConfig
                • server
                  • Type: class org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer

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