The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

XebiaLabs XL Deploy Plugin

xldCreatePackage: Create a deployment package

Adds a step to package a DAR file.
  • artifactsPath
    Path to the artifact directory, relative to the workspace. Jenkins environment variables can be used to specify this value. For example: build/distribution
    • Type: String
  • manifestPath
    Path of the deployit-manifest.xml file, relative to the workspace. Jenkin's environment variables can be used to specify values in the manifest file.
    • Type: String
  • darPath
    Path for the newly created DAR file, relative to the workspace. Jenkins environment variables can be used to specify this value. For example: $JOB_NAME-$BUILD_NUMBER.0.dar
    • Type: String

xldDeploy: Deploy a package to a environment

Adds a step to deploy artifacts on environments in the XL Deploy server using Jenkins.
  • serverCredentials
    • Type: String
  • packageId
    • Type: String
  • environmentId
    ID of the environment in XL Deploy to which the artifact should be deployed. Jenkins environment variables can be used to specify this value. For example: Environments/Dev
    • Type: String
  • overrideCredentialId (optional)
    • Type: String

xldPublishPackage: Publish a deployment package to XLDeploy

Adds a step to publish the DAR file to the XL Deploy server using Jenkins.
  • darPath
    Path to the DAR file (relative to the workspace) that should be published on the XL Deploy server. For example: $JOB_NAME-$BUILD_NUMBER.0.dar
    • Type: String
  • serverCredentials
    XL Deploy server credentials used to connect to the XL Deploy server. This must be configured under Manage Jenkins >> Configure System >> XL Deploy.
    • Type: String
  • overrideCredentialId (optional)
    • Type: String

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