The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

QMetry Test Management Plugin

step([$class: 'QTMReportPublisher']): Publish Build Result(s) to QMetry Test Management

  • qtmUrl
    URL to your QTM application
    • Type: String
  • qtmAutomationApiKey
    Get your Automation API Key from QTM interface.
    1. Login to QTM
    2. Go to Automation > Automation Agent
    3. Copy 'Key'
    • Type: String
  • proxyUrl
    Enter Proxy URL
    • Type: String
  • automationFramework
    Test Automation framework used in your project to produce Test Result File(s) to be uploaded to QTM. supported formats are :-
    • Json file(s) from Cucumber Tests
    • Xml file(s) from Junit Tests
    • Xml file(s) from TestNG Tests
    • Json file(s) from QAS Tests
    • XML file(s) from HP-UFT Tests
    • XML file(s) from Robot Tests
    • Type: String
  • automationHierarchy
    Hierarchy which will be used to parse test result files on QTM. supported formats are :-
    • JUnit
      • 1 - Use current Hierarchy in which JUnit is treated as TestStep and is treated as Testcase
      • 2 - Use Junit as Testcase and link all those (from all testsuites and all files of Junit) to one Testsuite
      • 3 - Create Multiple Testsuites and then link their respective testcases in corresponding Testsuites
    • TestNG
      • 1 - Use as Testcase and as TestStep
      • 2 - Use as Testcase
      • 3 - Use as TestCase and as TestStep
    • Type: String
  • testResultFilePath
    Path to result files to be uploaded to QTM relative to your Build directory.
    Provide a path to directory to upload multiple files at once.
    • Type: String
  • buildName
    Cycle name attached to your test suite in QTM.
    • Type: String
  • testSuiteName
    Test suite Key or Id (This will upload results to existing test suite with given Id or Key)
    • Type: String
  • testSName
    Test Suite Name (This will create a new test suite with given name. It will be ignored if automation framework is JUnit and automation hierarchy is 3)
    • Type: String
  • platformName
    Name of platform linked with Test Suite
    • Type: String
  • project
    Target Project ID or project Key or project name
    • Type: String
  • release
    Target Release ID or Release name
    • Type: String
  • cycle
    Target Cycle Id or Cycle Name
    • Type: String
  • disableaction
    • Type: boolean
  • testcaseFields
    Enter Test Case Fields in Json Format (add "Field Name" as json key in JSON object.) System defined fields supported by test-case module are description, testCaseType, testCaseState, component, priority, testcaseOwner, estimatedTime. User can also add User defined fields. Ex. testcaseFields: {"description":"Automated Test case", "testCaseType":"Security", "testCaseState":"Rejected", "component":["x"], "priority":"Blocker", "testcaseOwner":"john.deo", "estimatedTime":"143", "userDefinedFields" : {"Integrate" : "Custom Field Test case"}}
    • Type: String
  • testsuiteFields
    Enter Test Suite Fields in Json Format (add "Field Name" as json key in JSON object.) System defined fields supported by test-suite module are description, testsuiteOwner, testSuiteState. User can also add Userdefined fields. Ex. testsuiteFields: {"description":"Automated Test suite", "testsuiteOwner": "John.deo", "testSuiteState": "New", "userDefinedFields": {"Integrate" : "Custom Field Test suite"}}
    • Type: String
  • skipWarning
    Skip Warning while uploading Test Result File(s) to QTM. supported values are :-
    • 0 - Test Case Import will be failed if the Test Case summary is more than 255 characters
    • 1 - Test Case will be imported by truncating the Test Case summary to 255 characters
    • Type: String

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