Background: We needed a continuous integration solution that would quickly and easily deploy our versions. Because our customers who need this agility are located throughout Brazil, we could not be "of the air" and delayed with a time-consuming deployment. Goals: Control of fleet of trucks, drivers, travel, expenses, all through an integrated system to an application and a web system.
"Jenkins is the present and the future of automation for software developers."
Solution & Results: Our maturity as a developer unit was acquired with Jenkins and the continuous integration it supports to solve our difficulty in generating automatic builds. With Jenkins, our implementation process is very fast. We learned to use continuous integration, generating builds, and deploying software in a single, fully automated place. Our team has gained a lot of maturity with this process. These plugins were essential to our success with the platform and the quality of our product:
Maven Plugin
Amazon EC2 Plugin
Pipeline Plugin
Docker Plugin for Jenkins
JUnit Plugin
Three things that were quickly resolved:
Faster builds saved us time for what really matters: development.
Development cycles shortened from 1 week to 1 day
Improved customer confidence in solving the problem immediately