Jenkins is the way to make life easy and fast

Qualification Pipeline

Submitted By Jenkins User Mitchell Slotboom
Family-owned company based in the Netherlands looks to Jenkins to speed development and expand pipelines.
Organization: TOPIC,[]
Industries: Semiconductor
Programming Languages: Python
Version Control Systems: Bitbucket Server
Community Support: websites & blogs, Spoke with colleagues and peers

Better visibility and bigger, badder pipelines.

Background: TOPIC develops digital hardware, FPGA and software for customers. From board design, low-level driver development to application development for desktop, web and mobile. We support as a consultant, but also provide in-house projects and healthcare solutions. Unfortunately, pipeline limitations slowed us down. 

Goals: Create a large pipeline to automate the qualification process.

"Jenkins has the ability to create amazing pipelines!"
image— Mitchell Slotboom, DevOps Engineer, TOPIC

Solution & Results: Using JENKINS pipelines enabled us to execute our complete qualification process during the night. Manual steps are removed/solved to make this happen. This automated the process, with some parts executed in parallel and in different nodes. Both the release cycle and  the visualization increased tremendously. All results are visible in Jenkins, and everybody has access to those results. We use pipelines with Jenkins files in a Git repo. Also, Blue Ocean is rocking!


  • Release cycle from days to one night 

  • Quality improved by removing manual actions 

  • Insanely better visibility